Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Hi all,

On 7 February 09( 7 days before valentine) ....Mr Simon uploaded assignment question which require us to work Extensively for 13 weeks....This assignment require us to learn about certain software( which us have decided later on) and to work in group....

These are some ABSTRACT on the assignment

Project Scenario

Mr. B who is a rich investor from Dubai is interested to invest in a start-up company specializing in internet businesses. While he is visiting Malaysia for his spring holidays this year, he is starting up a TV reality show program called “MMU Apprentice” with MMU to source for young talents. Through this program, Mr. B is interested to look for young and innovative local Malaysian talents to develop innovative internet applications over a period of 13 weeks
using Web programming languages such as PHP, ASP.net or Java etc. He is particularly interested in seeing FOUR kinds of web application prototypes that allows people to upload, edit, delete and view

1. Product for sales information such as http://www.mudah.com.my
2. Job vacancies such as http://www.jobstreet.com.my
3. Restaurant / café information such as http://www.foodstreet.com.my/
4. Property information for sales / rent such as

So, from now on myself,sue,uyun ,syaz and naif must work hard and be a soul mate to each other in order to complete these tedious assignment..sigh

Bye all

1 comment:

  1. Ok good motivation. Please treat it as a learning process.
